Railway Cottage
Sandwiched centrally in a three house terrace, this small victorian railway cottage has been completely remodelled with new extensions to the rear and at roof level. Despite the scale of alterations, it retains much of the character and texture of the existing structure.
A new staircase in the middle of the house is key to releasing space at each level. This arrangement provides three double bedrooms , a new wc at ground floor, a family bathroom at first floor and shower room at loft level.
On the ground floor, the rear of the house is extended to create an open plan kitchen and dining space. Distinct areas have been created for cooking, dining and relaxing – built-in furniture, material choices and the volumes of the space help to reinforce each use.
Externally, the new structure reuses bricks salvaged from the demolition and reinterprets details from the original house. Generous areas of glazing make the most of the aspect, bring light into the centre of the house and provide views into the landscaped courtyard at the rear.
Model Photo: Ben Tynegate